Sunday, July 5, 2009

Start of a new phase

In everyone’s life there comes a phase, when you pause and start asking questions about life or to be precise your life. Many times you have lots of questions to ask but very few answers available. And in rare times like now, you do not even know the questions for which you are seeking the answers. Your mind feels the turbulence inside but is unable to crystallize the words needed to form those questions.
It is strange that I am facing that problem. But for anyone to understand my predicament, a little background is necessary; and also to connect with my further musings. Hence the first blogmusing may be little long.

A Practicing Chartered Accountant by profession, a hardcore Rotarian day & night and with lots of interest in sports, philosophy, self development, history and motivational biographies. Always been ‘Jack of all and Masters of some’. In short had all that is needed and sought by any ambitious college student. But still I am at a threshold where none of my present activities holds any interest to me.

And that is where I wonder-why does it happen that in midst of an average successful life; you suddenly get restless and try to seek something more in life. For past decade, I served my Rotary club like no one has (let me not be modest about fact). Today, I know that no one may dare to openly acknowledge; but my efforts have resulted in creating and building a club which no one dreamt of.

Perhaps the urging to serve the local community, to interact with other Rotary members, and the aspiration to ‘make a difference’ would have been the motivation. But what caused it to cease, I still do not know.
Somewhere along the ‘conversations with myself’, I learnt with shock that Rotary is not something I need in my life from here onwards. Rotary is not something which holds my interest. And that, will be the attempt of this blogmusings, i.e. to try and understand, what makes me run away from Rotary or the my other likings; and run after something I do not know what it is nor have identified it. My object is still vague, unsure, unclear to me but I do know that it is there, just after the horizon, waiting for me to reach it.
Let us see if I can reach that purpose, while understanding on the way- ‘why I am de-toxin Rotary from my system?’
Till then have a nice time

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