Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Bhau I knew-a tribute to an visionary soul

Death is the ultimate truth of life. The final destination. At some point of time in our lives, we get used to hearing the news of some one or other's demise. You just accept the news and move ahead. But still in rare cases, you feel deeply affected and touched, on hearing upon the demise of an extraordinary visionary person. Bhau's demise was one such case.

Manohar Pundalik Kulkarni-popularly known as Bhau- was a person on whom, pages and pages could be written and still, one would nowhere be near in understanding what made Bhau such an extremely endearing and likable person. It said that in case of successful persons “either you love them or hate them but you can’t ignore them”. But in case of Bhau it was always “either you loved him or liked him but you cannot ignore him”. Such was the friendly and pleasing personality of Bhau. We all would agree that at first glance, no one would predict this simple unassuming person, to be an extraordinary achiever of sorts.

And thus it makes me wonder like so many others “How can a man achieve so much in his lifetime and still be so modest and humble”. I think more then the need for answer, there is a greater need for us, to follow the ideal in the question.

As a Rotarian, Bhau was a hardcore dedicated member who served the Rotary and its objectives, as he would for his own family and vocation. For our Rotary club, he was a selfless worker, a generous donor, a motivating leader and in the last few years a guide and counselor to many new Rotarians and Presidents. Some of his significant achievements during his Rotary stint were; Founder member and continuous member for 28 years of Rotary Club of Thane East, Club President for two years, Chairman of CORPS, only member from our club who was elected to District Nominating Committee and a PAUL HARRIS FELLOW. Bhau was one of the most respected senior Rotarian from Thane clubs and had been given Vocational Excellence awards by many Rotary clubs.
But what made Bhau stand apart, is his trend of wearing Rotary pin 24*7 and that too with great pride. His tireless service and compassion for the needy is unmatched. In fact for all of us, the dictionary meaning of word Rotarian was Bhau Kulkarni

We Rotarians may miss Bhau's fatherly presence, his assuring experience, his comforting strength, and many other aspects. But we find solace in that he lived a life in a style, which has become role model or roadmap for juniors like us. We are proud to be members of RC Thane East mainly because Bhau was member of that club.

Bhau wherever you are, may you rest in eternal peace and I thank Almighty for blessing my life with presence of Bhau, however brief it may be.

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